amam diary

1984年、東京生まれ 私の気まぐれ日記


お花のように美しく 時に強く しっかりと。生きて行こう


ふと思い出したこと。思い出してよかったこと。そうそうそうだ!って。I thought about many things to be good before this. Since when I forget it? I'll try many thing to think possitive as has been the way until now.I decided now!

A strong wind blowed today. I worked near the sea. When I finished works,the sky was beautiful.May it be better tomorrow than today. I almost cried. non,just I cried.


この間新国立美術館にカルフォルニアのモダンデザインを観にいきました。EAMES、誰もが知っているイス。よく知ってる。I know,I know.あの展示に行ったら好きになっちゃいました。ひとつひとつ説明のVTR,用意されたイスは、イームズのもの。夫妻の暮らしに憧…

今年はなにがおきるかな?楽しもう♪She said,You can always have compassion for and put yourself in other people's shoes.But sometimes that's too much.You will feel tired soon....and You will begin to think that "I will do that you wish!"When…